Simultaneously addressing the many conditions that co-exist with ADHD, learning disabilities and other attentional disorders – such as anxiety, sleep problems, mood swings and learning problems – is essential to ensure the most successful outcomes.
One of the most important facets of treatment is client self-management, which involves a collaborative partnership between the client and treatment providers. The client is directly involved in treatment goal setting, decision-making and management of their disorder through self-management support which includes education, improving problem-solving skills, encouraging healthy behaviors, emotional support, regular and sustained follow-up, and encouraging clients to participate actively in the management of their disorder.
Safe practices to minimize harm to the client include educating the client regarding risks in treatment with medication; medical screenings prior to prescribing medication; dosing requirements (starting off with a low dosage then gradually adjusting) to minimize side effects and optimize benefits; carefully monitoring the client’s medical status including weight, height and blood pressure, etc. while they are being treated with medication; and providing a way to contact our psychiatrists if there are any side effects.
Alternatives/supplements to medication include the use of nutritional counseling and natural supplements to address symptoms, behavioral treatment plans to change behavior patterns, parenting skills training to facilitate desired behaviors, coaching to build executive functioning skills, computerized brain-training to improve working memory, and individual/group therapy to provide emotional support and facilitate general well-being.